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Awesome Reykjavík

A guide to moving to Reykjavík and the capital region.

Pages that are not yet linked are suggestions for pages. We welcome contributions. See how to contribute below.


  1. Finding a temporary place to stay
  2. Working in Iceland
  3. The Local tech scene
  4. Mobile and internet access
  5. Kennitala (national ID)
  6. Auðkenni (electric identity)
  7. Finding a permanent place to stay
  8. Guide to neighborhoods and postal codes
  9. Public transport
  10. Bicycles and E-scooters
  11. Getting a car
  12. Shopping for furniture and electronics
  13. Grocery shopping
  14. Furniture and electronics
  15. Getting a bank account
  16. Driver’s license
  17. Access to healthcare
  18. International schools
  19. Getting help
  20. Language
  21. Eating out and ordering in
  22. About the Icelander

The Trinity: Kennitala, Mobile Plan and Bank Account

You’re basically a tourist until you get a kennitala. It’s a ten digit personal identity that is used everwhere in Iceland. If you have employment in Iceland and are willing to wait up to 5 days with your foreign SIM card until you acquire kennitala, this is the order of things:

  1. Get a kennitalaKennitala. This takes five days to process if all documents are submitted correctly. Start this process online before you depart for Iceland.
  2. Get a mobile planMobile plans. You'll need to visit a telco branch and bring your passport. Use your non-Icelandic credit card for billing as you haven't opened a bank account yet.
  3. Get a bank accountBank account. Visit a branch to open a bank account and set up your electronic certificate.

You can activate the electronic certificate on your visit to the telco branch and skip the bank visit if you like, opting instead to sign up via one of the bank apps.

There are of course other ways to go about it, but this is probably the quickest way to onboard.


How to contribute

We are accepting contributions for edits or new guides. There are a few ways to contribute.

  1. Choose a topic in our issues page to write about or pick your own.
  2. We have a Facebook group we encourage you to join.
  3. Fork and send us a Pull Request on GitHub (preferred).
  4. If you're not familiar with GitHub, you can email to publish a guide of your own.

Further reading